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FinTech Editorial

Fintech and compliance are complex topics — and can be especially daunting for entrepreneurs whose specialties may rest in other arenas. These articles, appearing on TaxJar and partner blogs, help to demystify common compliance challenges. The TaxJar blog attracted hundreds of thousands of monthly readers and was a major driver of new business.


FinTech Editorial

Finance and technology are complex — for professionals and consumers alike. These articles, appearing in industry publications (Financial Planning) as well as Vanilla and TaxJar blogs, aim to simplify that complexity and give readers a clear understanding of important topics. More than theoretical education, each article lays out clear steps readers can take to improve client relationships, enhance holistic planning, ensure tax compliance and more. The TaxJar blog attracted hundreds of thousands of monthly readers and was a major driver of new business.


Turning-Point Conversations: How to use important life events to refocus clients and deepen relationships

Curiosity – genuine curiosity – is one of the most important traits a financial advisor can have. Sure, this means curiosity about the different levers and pulleys of the economic machine, but it also means curiosity about clients. Not just about their risk tolerance, but about what makes them tick. Their goals, their fears. What gets them out of bed in the morning. A deeper understanding of clients as people, not just portfolios, enables you to bring the kind of value that goes far beyond index funds.


Photo credit: Nancy Dunbar Photography

Estate planning for pets: Making sure the kibble keeps flowing when you’re gone

We are a nation obsessed with our pets. In the US alone, we spend $123.6 billion on our furry (and scaly) friends every year. It feels like my household alone must account for a sizable chunk of that for our derpy golden retriever Alfie, between healthcare, food, grooming, toys, the occasional boarding, more toys. You get the idea. When it comes to our dog, we are stupid in love and spare no expense. 


How to avoid creating a trust fund monster: Building estates that empower (not spoil) the next generation

We want the best for our kids–for them to be happy, healthy, and love one another. And after a lifetime of working hard and weathering the ups and downs of the market, it can be heartening to know that the toils of your labor might help set up your children for success along their own paths. But money often serves as a magnifying glass, enhancing opportunities when things go well or fraying family relationships when jealousy or greed creep in. And as you consider how to leave your estate to your children, you may have a nagging feeling you can’t shake. Is leaving everything to your kids the right thing to do? Will it serve to lift them or weigh them down? And if so, what’s the best way to leave wealth to your heirs?


How financial advisors can add value in a bear market

It’s officially a bear market, now what? How advisors can add value when times are tough

It’s brutal out there. After riding the sugar high of the pandemic, client portfolios – and probably your own portfolio as well – have found themselves in miserable hangover territory. The S&P recently hit a two year low and the Dow, not to be outdone, touched a yearly bottom as well. Instead of celebrating portfolio windfalls with your clients, you’re likely having some difficult conversations.


How financial advisors can serve clients diagnosed with dementia

Financial planning is a game of "what if." We plan for fluctuations in the market, for business buying and selling, for education, for retirement — even for premature death. But one scenario we tend to overlook, maybe because it's so utterly painful to consider, even harder than the idea of death for many, is dementia. And it's an area where financial advisors can have an enormous impact. 


Beyond Amazon: What sellers must know before going multi-channel

There are a lot of good reasons to sell on Amazon. For starters, there’s the estimated 300 million customers the business draws to its platform every year–150 million of them devoted Prime users, who often make Amazon their preferred place to buy goods due to the free shipping they receive. 


How to use automation to grow your e-commerce business

Do more with less — that’s the mantra being chanted by three-person startups all the way to Fortune 100 boards. In a world where margins are thin and resources are tight, having a great idea isn’t enough for success. That great idea must be executed with superhuman efficiency. And so, automation becomes the name of the game.